Q: Why is America always portrayed as the bad guy?

A: (Kevin Harris)

Always? Really? When I was a child, I always thought that we were the good guys in every conflict. Then I grew up, and started reading books besides the ones given to us in school. Look no further than Hollywood or high school history books to learn that the US single handedly defeated the Nazis. Actually, FDR delayed opeining a Western attack for almost two years while the Nazis killed millions of Europeans. The only thing that slowed the Nazi war machine was the USSR, who sustained incredible losses. 27 MILLION Russians were killed at the hand of the Nazis. Stalin was begging the US and Britian for help, and they gave very little. Stalin moved the entire Soviet covilization nearly 300 miles East, and built new factories and set up towns. Without this, we may all be speaking German now.

This is just one example. The United states is guilty of some of the most heinous war crimes imaginable. Violations of international law and the Geneva Convention are plentiful. Examples include: the use of chemical weapons such as white phosphorus, agent orange, and napalm on civilians in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The use of depleted uranium rounds which have a radioactive half-life 4.5 billion years. The US used them on Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The birth defect rates in certain Iraq areas are now higher than in Hiroshima after the dropping of the atomic bomb. Google that one, and tell me that the United States are good guys.

What is sad is that the American people are victims of a concerted propaganda campaign by the State. Its not even really denied that psychological warfare was instituted encouraging a reluctant public into WWI, WWII, Vietnam…basically all wars. Remember WMDs? Anthrax from Saddam which actually turned out to be from a US bioweapons lab (illegal lab by the way)? Operation Mockingbird(1) was confirmed in the Church Committee Hearig in the 70’s. Basically, the US “free & independent” media was infiltrated by hundreds of CIA plants, influencing and controlling the stories. I genuinely believe that if more Americans knew the truth, that they would be disgusted by many of the actions of their government and military, and would likely be more in favor of significant protest and revolution. Hence, why we are inundated with movies glorifying war, and our media will only tell us what they want us to know. Investigative journalism is dead due to NSA illegal wiretapping and monitoring of journalist digital communications. Kind of totalitarian, no? Very gestapo if you ask me.

We have meddled in countless foreign elections, which is hilarious while I see people complaining that the Russians posted some memes against Hillary Clinton, and calling it “hacking” an election. Boris Yeltsin only came to power in Russia because of US involvement, which is why he had to bomb the Russian parliament building to maintain control. We have overthrown democratically elected leaders in Iran, Guatemala, Chile, the Congo, and many other countries. We have assassinated foreign leaders when our CIA backed coup attempts were not successful. Examples include Roldos in Ecuador, and Torijos in Panama. There are many others but these are just memorable incidents.

You see, the United States empire is not one of military conquest like the British or French. It is much more covert and subversive. Throughout Central and South America, and now also in the Middle East, the United States gets rid of a country‘s leader, and installs a right wing military dictator. This dictator is then paid a ton of money, and given a significant amount of weapons as well as intelligent assistance, in order to maintain control of the people. These dicataprs are often psychopaths, and life under their reign is horrific. The point of this is that so United States businesses can maintain economic control over a country. The United States will claim that any of their democratically elected leaders are a communist and a threat to our way of life, when in fact most of them are just Liberals trying to nationalize their nations resources and land for the betterment of their people. Here, once again, propaganda comes into play on the American people, reminding us that they are defending freedom when in fact they are supporting fascism in an attempt to increase the value of the dollar and maintain economic control throughout the world. This has happened all over again, only now the enemy is Muslim extremism as opposed to communism. Same exact story, same exact plans, just a different place.

I think the American people have the capacity for goodness and compassion as much as any other people on the face of the earth. However, our alleged democratic government is controlled by a corporate and banking elite, whose only allegiance is to money. Are we the bad guys? It is very hard to deny the millions and millions and millions of people who have died behind the United States flag. We need to understand and learn from the past, in order to help the people currently suffering in poverty throughout the globe, as a result of the actions of the US government.

I encourage you to seek out information from non-US media sources. I encourage you to attempt to verify what is written in these books and shown in these films, and I think you will be shocked at what you find. We have been lied to and lied to, so much for our entire lives that it takes quite a lot of this work to truly wrap your mind around how screwed up things are. Certainly the United States is not solely responsible, but as the self proclaimed leader of the world, we should be leading the way to peace and prosperity for all, not serving the interests of the anonymous oligarchy.




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    Agony of Sorrow

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