
英國因為風力發電疲弱,加上天氣寒冷,必須向法國買電,但是12/10 法國核電廠罷工,造成英國供電危機。





在德國時間下午12點(紐約時間上午6點),風能1.85 GW(佔裝機容量的2.99%),3.23 GW的太陽能(裝機容量的6.22%)僅滿足德國電力需求的8.10%。安裝了113.9 GW的風能+太陽能,但僅提供了5.08 GW(佔裝機容量的4.46%)。同時,8.15吉瓦核電(佔裝機容量的100.48%)覆蓋了12.99%。煤炭佔41.3%,其次是天然氣,佔16.67%。

這是過去20年與德國Energiewende花費(浪費)超過5,000億歐元的結果。但是德國一直處在這個特殊的“我們將擺脫核能和化石燃料”的演出中。但是,當風不吹,太陽不發光時,只有核能和化石燃料(及其鄰國)可以拯救德國。由於這些瘋狂的政策,德國成為歐洲最大的CO 2排放國之一,擁有世界上最昂貴的電力。就是所謂的Energiewende。"


2021/1/11 丹麥

The beginning of this year has been hard for some European countries as part of Europe is facing a Dunkelflaute period (i.e., when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine). Particularly, this has been a headache for countries such as Germany and Denmark, which promote renewables such as solar and wind, aiming to reduce or eliminate reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear. Yesterday I published a brief of the situation in Germany. Now it's Denmark's turn.
Denmark is the only European country that consists of two synchronous areas, West Denmark (DK1) and East Denmark (DK2). The DK1 grid is connected to the European continental grid, whereas the DK2 grid is connected to the Nordic grid. The two areas are connected through a 600 MW connection called the Great Belt Power Link (aka Storebælt). The Danish transmission grid also has interconnectors with Germany, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands.
West Denmark:
On January 9 at 12:30 pm Denmark time (6:30 am here New York), 52 MW of wind (1.06% of installed capacity) more 51 MW of solar (7.59% of installed capacity) covered only 2.20% of West Denmark's electricity demand. Coal covered 27.65%, followed by gas with 11.95% and biomass with 10.27%. West Denmark imported 2.22 GW, of which 1.61 GW from Southwest Norway and 606 MW from Sweden, which covered 47.34% of the electricity demand.
East Denmark:
At the same period, 56 MW of wind (4.75% of installed capacity) more 63 MW of solar (18.48% of installed capacity) covered only 5.80% of East Denmark's electricity demand. Biomass covered 15.33%, followed by gas with 12.70% and coal with 10.56%. East Denmark imported 1.05 GW from Sweden, which covered 50.90% of the electricity demand. East Denmark also imported 57.8 MW from West Denmark (covered only 2.81%).
Overall, 222 MW of wind+solar (3.12% of installed capacity (7.11 GW)) supplied only 3.30% of Denmark's total electricity demand. As a result, Denmark relied mainly on fossil fuels and electricity imported from Sweden and Norway. But the most interesting thing is Denmark's brilliant move: they exported part of their dirty electricity – predominantly based on fossil fuels – to Germany, while they imported clean electricity from Sweden and Norway, which have low CO₂ emissions with virtually fossil-free electricity thanks to nuclear power (Sweden) and hydropower (Sweden and Norway). As a result, CO₂ emissions in Denmark decreased while the share of renewables increased.
Despite spending billions and years of political effort to scrap nuclear and fossil fuels and switch to wind and solar, Germany and Denmark are far away from a clean energy transformation. Germany and Denmark are still heavily reliant on fossil fuels and energy imports and also have the highest electricity prices in the world. In the European Union (EU), Germany remains the biggest emitter of CO₂. But the Greens/pro-renewables and nuclear opponents continue to claim that Germany and Denmark are on the right track, even though the data says no.



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