荷蘭大選,飽受爭議的極右派政治人物,懷爾德斯(Geert Wilders)贏得勝利。他以反伊斯蘭著稱,提倡要關掉荷蘭所有的清真寺。
法國的勒龐、意大利的五星運動都在向政治權力中心發起衝刺,最後義大利的梅洛妮(Giorgia Meloni)當選義大利總理。





俄烏戰爭(更正確地說,是北約與俄羅斯的戰爭)爆發後,烏克蘭難民大量逃往歐洲;歐洲必須不斷地挹注金錢與武器給烏克蘭;歐洲資產出逃(主要是到美國);歐洲被迫不能向俄國購買能源,造成能源短缺,被迫以高價購買能源,身為能源生產大國的美國大發利市,從歐洲賺了大筆外匯;歐洲武器供應給烏克蘭之後,自身又必須向美國購買新的武器... 美國還一不作二不休,破壞了北溪管道。



這個情況剛好給了中國極佳的契機 - 這把中東以及其他穆斯林國家推向了中國,讓中國更加鞏固全球南方領袖的地位。


Europe is turning towards the far right, as seen in countries such as France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, and Denmark. This shift reflects the economic challenges and social crises in Europe.

In Sweden, the "Sweden Democrats," a party strongly opposed to immigration and multiculturalism, is the second-largest party in parliament and supports a right-wing coalition government.

In the Netherlands, controversial far-right politician Geert Wilders gained victory in the elections. He is known for his anti-Islam stance and advocates for the closure of all mosques in the Netherlands.

In France, Marine Le Pen's National Rally and Italy's Five Star Movement are making a push towards the political center, with Giorgia Meloni winning the position of Prime Minister in Italy.

The rise of Brexit in the UK and far-right movements on the continent can be attributed, in part, to issues related to refugees and Muslims.

But where do these refugees and Muslims come from? In the UK, the Muslim population is approximately 4 million, primarily from former colonies such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. Since the 21st century, there has also been an influx of refugees from conflict zones.

In France, the Muslim population is around 8.4 million, mainly from their former colonies in Africa, which have historically been unstable.

In Germany, Muslims primarily come from the labor migration of the 1960s (mainly Turks) and subsequent waves of political and war refugees since the 1970s.

In Sweden, most Muslims come from war-torn regions such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Ukraine.

It is evident that since the 21st century, many refugees come from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Ukraine since 2022.

And who is responsible for these wars and the creation of refugees? It is clear that the United States (and NATO led by the United States) plays a significant role.

The US, which initiates wars and creates a significant number of refugees, has a Muslim population of only 3.45 million. Fifty percent of Muslims in the US are born and raised domestically, while the other 50% are foreign-born.

The US creates refugees, and Europe is left to deal with the aftermath, while the US continues to benefit from Europe.

After the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war (more accurately, the war between NATO and Russia), a large number of Ukrainian refugees fled to Europe. Europe had to provide financial aid and weapons to Ukraine, assets fled Europe (mainly to the US), Europe was forced to stop buying energy from Russia, causing energy shortages and having to buy energy at high prices. As a major energy-producing country, the US profited from Europe by earning a large amount of foreign exchange. After supplying weapons to Ukraine, Europe had to purchase new weapons from the US. The US also disrupted the Nord Stream pipeline.

In this situation, the US had a high economic growth rate of 4.9% in Q3 2023, while Europe's growth rate was close to zero.

With economic stagnation, soaring energy prices, severe inflation, and the need to provide financial and military aid to Ukraine, it is natural for xenophobic extremism to rise, with Muslims becoming the target.

This situation has provided China with an excellent opportunity, pushing the Middle East and other Muslim countries towards China and further consolidating China's position as a global leader in the South.

I am not optimistic about the future of Europe given these circumstances.


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