

Chiu Yu     PhD Physical Sciences, Major US University

Answered Apr 3

No, quite the contrary.

Firstly, “Democracy in Taiwan” is an oxymoron. Such thing does not exist.

I was born and grew up in Taiwan, by the way.

Whatever political system is being practiced in Taiwan now, which I normally call “Corrupt Criminal Authoritarian Kleptocracy” (sorry for the long name), not only cannot deter injustice, but is injustice itself.

As long as you are a prominent member of the ruling DPP, or simply are in the clique thereof, you can do all the following with absolute impunity, either judicially or politically:

• Use physical violence on political opponents and even foreign dignitaries you don’t like; Cheat on your wife by cohabiting or sleeping with multiple married women (considered a mortal sin by the public if you are not a DPP member), some by coercion. Let me just share a picture here. I’ll explain later:

• Claim you have earned 1.5 PhD degrees from the University of London, and use it to get university jobs, government appointments, all the way to the Presidential Office, despite not being able to produce a single copy of PhD thesis from any place, including the university, and not being able to give the serial number of the thesis which is mandatory.

• Classify all official records contradicting your lies for 30 years when people question. Produce counterfeit documents if you cannot classify them.

• Ensure the Court never convenes for as long as you want, on cases where you are bound to lose, way exceeding the legally stipulated deadline.

• Ensure the court convenes at 1 AM whenever you are arrested DUI, so that you can be released and not have to sleep in jail.

• Make the Court list anyone you don’t like as wanted. Make the Court/Prosecution/Police intimidate and harass anyone against you.

• Change time-proven rules of election to make it as opaque as possible, in favor of your camp’s election tactics. Announce ad hoc national holidays, and offer free train tickets, both to mobilize young voters traditionally voting for you en masse, to return to their voting districts to vote.

• Change the actual phrasing of national referendum topics in promotional materials to sway and mislead voters.

• Have two wives at the same time (again, mortal sin in public eye if not DPP member). Domestic violence as much as you like. Use government money to go on foreign trips with your mistress more than 10 times.

• Get paid literally millions US Dollars for organizing a cyber hit squad to do the DPP’s dirty work on the web, swaying public sentiments, attacking domestic and foreign adversaries, harassing political opponents, causing suicides in some cases.

• Shut down TV stations that criticize you. Force TV anchors off the air halfway through his show if he does the same. Mobilize and pay cyber hit squads and ostensibly independent peripheral supporters to influence social media such as Facebook and Twitter to suppress voices against you.

• Establish multiple lynching agencies to dismember opposition parties, with head of one such agency caught on hidden microphone proudly comparing his agency to notorious Chinese secret police of the 16th century (東廠).

• Smuggle for profit several hundred cartons of cigarettes and other hot cash items inside the Presidential Jet from foreign countries.

• Have a huge amount of cash assets in your possession that you cannot account for, or sweep under the rug when the cash is lost or stolen.

• Embezzle 25 million US dollars, exposed by the very Swiss bank where you deposit the money. Buy expensive homes in New York and Virginia with money you cannot explain. When people enter your home, they literally smell the strong scent of paper money permeating the entire house.

• Have your entire family occupy all top executive posts of large state-owned corporations, even though your son is just a gym trainer, with a combined family income of 1.2 million US Dollars.

• Have a money laundering case perpetrated by the national bank, which got a 200 million US Dollar fine by the US government, vanish in the judicial system. Only a couple of the lowest rank clerks went to jail.

• Storm the national legislature building and the executive building with a large crowd. Occupy and vandalize both for prolonged periods, and be touted as civil disobedient heroes by the Court (!). (Sorry Trump supporters! You should have been born in Taiwan.)

• Monopolize, as news outlets, on literally tens of millions US dollars worth of government “publicity campaign” funds, and leave zero to your competitors, for carrying out the DPP’s distortion and smearing news campaigns.

• Coerce public servants at all levels into covering up, often through forgery, your dirty secrets.

• Embezzlement, extortion, cronyism, looting, blackmail, nepotism, character assassination, forgery, voting fraud, zero accountability, zero transparency, ……

Every single one above can be substantiated with real cases. They are not just empty rhetoric.

In all the above cases, the keyword is “impunity”. I am sure similar offenses happen on a daily basis in all countries. But only in Taiwan can you get away totally clean if you are a DPP member of sufficient usefulness or clout. You do not have to be a big shot. Being a useful henchman for the right big shot is all it takes. The examples I listed above are also just a small sample, not doing justice to the pervasiveness and brazenness of all DPP offenses. They also have the West to thank, which has been pampering and indulging Taiwan, especially the DPP, as a reward for playing the West’s attack dog.

Of the above list, I would single out the first one for special treatment. This concerns a crook, the legislator 王定宇, one of the most despicable and morally corrupt politicians in Taiwan, who is featured in many Taiwanese parliamentary fistfight videos.

He reached peak notoriety when he used physical violence against a 60+ year old visiting Chinese politician, entirely unprovoked, which garnered him a lot of votes in the subsequent election!

He is married with children, but was recently found to be living with another woman in a small one-bath apartment for a long time under a fake landlord-tenant disguise. This would be a no-no if it happened with a non-DPP politician in Taiwan. Then about a month ago, another unrelated angry husband spay painted on his office front gate saying “Feeling great f**king other people’s wives?”,

, clearly alluding to other despicable scandals to his credit. In this talk show, it was mentioned that the angry husband was too scared of this crook’s political clout to take the matter to Court, and only dared vent his anger with spray paints. (You can see the slogan on the green banner across the top of this crook’s office entrance, saying “Serve our community; Develop our economy”).

Justice for Taiwan! Yes!

This crook consistently enjoys the highest support in parliament elections, and was poised to run for the Mayor of Tainan, one of the 6 first-tier cities in Taiwan.

I hope this gives you an idea about the “democracy” in Taiwan. If you ask what the root cause of this is, I would attribute it to

- An apathetic, cynical, slavish, ignorant citizenry with no understanding of the spirit of “democracy” imposed on them in a state of absence of mind.

- An indulging, pampering West eager to reward Taiwan for the merit it does not own and credit it did not earn, only because it has been a loyal, slavish attack dog.

Some further links that may shed light on this:

Chiu Yu's answer to Why should we risk American lives protecting Taiwan?

Chiu Yu's post in China - World Leader.

Chiu Yu's post in A Rational View of China

Chiu Yu's answer to Do you want Taiwan to be free from China and become an independent country?

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