

圖1 有的飯盒很無恥,謊稱網頁內容,跟MC哥一樣亂掰超譯,以為大家都不懂英文,隨他亂掰?很好,這很綠營,不管是真是假,謊話先說下去再說,如果被發現是假的,再來硬ㄠ
圖2 被我揭穿謊言
圖3 被揭穿之後,不但不羞愧,反而繼續硬ㄠ,我就繼續打他臉




Google made two other points that are worthy of note. One is that nuclear provides a large share of the grid’s carbon-free energy (the largest, in fact, here in the United States). Google takes credit for that clean energy when it calculates its own carbon footprint. The other is that if you buy an amount of electricity from wind and solar energy that equals your consumption over a year, you haven’t really solved the carbon problem because you are still using fossil fuels. Wind and solar—while clean—are intermittent, so at times your system is running on natural gas and coal. Those intermittent sources vary, not just minute-by-minute and day-to-day, but across the year as the number of daylight hours and the prevailing wind patterns change with the passing seasons.

這裡就寫了:Google 提出了另外兩點值得注意的觀點。

一個是核能提供電網大部分的無碳能源(事實上,在美國是最大的的部分),Google 在計算碳足跡時把它(核能)歸類為清潔能源。另一個是,如果你從風能和太陽能購買的電量等於你一年中的消耗量,那麼你還沒有真正解決碳問題,因為你還在使用化石燃料。因為風能、太陽能雖然是潔淨的,但同時也是間歇性的,所以這個系統不時需要用到天然氣和煤炭。這些間歇性的能源不斷改變,不僅是每分每秒,日復一日,而是全年,因為白天的時數和盛行的風模式隨著季節的變化而變化。


We are hoping for more in the environmental community to follow Google’s example. The net realization should be that if carbon is the problem, the goal isn’t to rely on wind and sun, it’s to limit carbon. And as Google’s paper points out, it’s best to do that with a diverse system. That will mean retaining nuclear and building more around the world."

"目標不是利用利用風能或者太陽能,而是限制碳排。如同 Google 的論文指出,最好的方式是使用多樣性的能源。這表示保存核能並且在世界各地興建更多"


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