台灣綠營媒體三不五時告訴你,中國大陸迫害維吾爾族穆斯林。 『紐約時報報導,丹麥國會20日通過一項法律,明年元旦起將要求歸化丹麥國籍者必須在入籍儀式上與官員握手,而且就算是戴著手套握手也不合規定。國會議員表示,這項規定是針對依教律拒絕觸碰異性的穆斯林。』
再看看其他西方國家: 1. 今年6月份英國政府的反恐戰略強調要對受極端思想影響的人員進行早期干預;
2. 法國2016年時就宣布要在全國12個大區設立“去極端化中心”,目的是要幫助受極端思想影響的本國公民重歸正常生活;
3. 美國則嘗試利用社區矯正改造那些受極端思想影響的年輕人。
奇怪了,西方做是防衛杜漸,中國做是集權思想改造?? 這個我很不解。
而且,只是再教育營算很客氣了 換了美國,直接給你送去關塔那摩,順便還給虐囚呢!!
去過土耳其嗎? 土耳其有些商場進去也是要過x光,有些景點也會有荷槍實彈的警察駐守,甚至是整車巴士警察,這保護多數人,觀光客的安全,不是很好嗎? 要提這種維穩,怎麼不提以色列呢? 那才是真的嚴格!
同場加映 -- 這裡是伊朗
Some media in Taiwan always tell people that the Chinese government is persecuting Uighur Muslims. However, The New York Times reported that the Danish parliament passed a law on the 20th. New immigrators who want to get Danish citizenship will be required to shake hands with officials at the naturalization ceremony since the New Year's Day 2019, and even wearing gloves is not allowed. Members of Congress said that this provision is aimed at Muslims who refuse to touch the opposite sex according to the Muslim teach.
I agree with Danish government's provision . What I can't agree with is the double standard of western world.
Look at other Western countries:
1. The British government’s counter-terrorism strategy in June this year emphasized the need for early intervention by people affected by extreme thinking;
2. France announced in 2016 that it would set up a “de-extremization center” in 12 major regions of the country to help its citizens affected by extreme thoughts return to normal life;
3. The United States is trying to use community corrections to transform young people affected by extreme thinking.
Strange, the West is to defend Du, and China is a reform of centralization.? I am very puzzled.
I don't know much about the English and French issues, but I can talk about the situation in Northern Europe and Germany.
Now in Europe, especially in Germany and Northern Europe, the background of the terrorist attacks is somewhat similar to that of Xinjiang. The Muslims have a special treatment for them. (The mainland has a lot of preferential treatment for ethnic minorities. In addition to various preferential treatments, even the penalties for breaking the law are better than those of the Han Chinese. Light, and later changed after the dissatisfaction, and Germany's Nordic is also biased towards the murder of the refugees, which led to the arrogance of these people's behavior, and the fact that the locals who accepted them were more and more resentful, and then these Muslims ( It is not necessarily a foreign immigrant, but also includes people who have lived in the local area for generations.) The conflict with the local people is getting more and more fierce. This is the reason why the European right-wing parties are rising in recent years.
Moreover, it’s just a polite job to re-educate the camp.
Changed to the United States, sent directly to Guantanamo, and returned to the prisoner by the way!!
Have you been to Turkey? Some shopping malls in Turkey have to go through x-rays. Some attractions also have police armed officers armed, or even bus police. This protects the safety of most people and tourists. Isn't it good? Kind of stability, how can you not mention Israel? That is really strict!
In the past, girls in Xinjiang did not need to be masked. The traditional costumes of the Uyghurs were not covered in hoods. Now, after being infiltrated by the Islamic State, many women are restricted from going to school and wearing masks. Now the CCP’s so-called ideological transformation is also However, it is to change this radical Islamist thinking back to the original true Xinjiang tradition.