Xinjiang and Ukraine - Xinjiang's largest province-level division of China, not known for its wealth
First, let's look at the changes in GDP of the two places in the past 30 years
其次,我們從這張照片比對一下在烏克蘭的俄裔族群的遭遇 - 在中國,少數民族可以學習他們的語言、文字,各自治區都是中文與當地語言雙語並行,烏克蘭卻禁止俄語、關閉俄語學校和電視台、暗殺記者、縱容新納粹迫害東烏克蘭地區的人民。
Secondly, in China, the minorities can learn their own languages and characters. Each autonomous region is bilingual (in Chinese and local languages) - you can see that in their signs, but Russian is banned in Ukraine. Their government closed Russian schools (including bilingual ones) and TV channels, murdered journalists, no mention the crimes they committed in Eastern Ukraine.
The Ukrainian government has made the lives of its people more and more poor. It has oppressed the human rights and culture of its Russian-speaking ethnic group for many years, without being severely criticized by the Western government and their media. On the other hand, Xinjiang has become more and more prosperous, and people's lives have become more and more stable, the minorities can use and learn their own languages and culture, but China constantly keeps on facing false accusations. It's a blatant double standard!