非永續資源 -- 至2050年止,將會有4300萬英噸(4700萬公噸)的廢棄風機扇葉
這篇吸引了著名的自打臉專家,MC哥的注意。不出所料,他再度用自己貼的資料猛打自己的臉 -- 貼了一堆風機扇葉回收的資料,而且對本文提出的問題:生態影響問題、汙染問題,都沒有任何解答,而且這些關於回收的網頁正好每一篇都應對了本文底下說的幾點:處理方式都必須透過化學降解、機械加工、熱降解處理,而這些處理方式,耗能又有戕害健康與破壞環境的風險,在此過程中也產生相當大量的碳排。
MC又說到電費問題 -- 拼命擴張再生能源的德國、丹麥,有全歐洲最貴的電費,德國碳排降不下來,丹麥是北歐最南方、氣候最溫暖的國家,碳排卻是北歐最高,更別說台灣的超貴風力了!
MC 說不過人家,就故技重施,一邊瘋狂貼文洗版(怎麼跟那個搞不清鉛和紙,一天到晚秀無知的長興化工的許龍麟一模一樣??),一邊給支持核能者戴藍帽子,結果好笑的是,他自己又打了自己一次臉 -- 我說MC,你臉不痛嗎??
“如果風機產業無法提出更永續性的製造和處置流程,那麼當大眾意識到這些問題後,大眾對風能的接受度將會下降” - Ramirez-Tejeda等,2017
Germany has assumed a leading role in promoting the consumption of renewable energy. And yet even in Germany the share of energy consumption from wind power reached only 2.1% in 2016.
德國在促進可再生能源消費方面擔任了主導角色。 然而即使在德國,2016年風電能佔能源消費的比例也僅達到2.1%。
Despite its extremely limited infiltration as a world energy source, it is assumed that a rapid expansion of wind power will ultimately be environmentally advantageous both due to its reputation as a “clean” energy and because of the potential to contribute to reduced CO2 emissions.
Recently, however, the austere environmental impacts and health risks associated with expanding wind energy have received more attention.
For example, scientists have asserted that wind turbines are now the leading cause of multiple mortality events in bats, with 3 to 5 million bats killed by wind turbines every year. Migratory bats in North America may face the risk of extinction in the next few decades due to wind turbine-related fatalities
例如,科學家們已經斷言,風力發電機現在是許多蝙蝠死亡事件的主要原因,每年有300萬到500萬隻蝙蝠被風力發電機擊斃。 由於風力發電機相關的死亡事故,北美的遷徙蝙蝠可能在未來幾十年內面臨滅絕的風險。
“Large numbers of migratory bats are killed every year at wind energy facilities. … Using expert elicitation and population projection models, we show that mortality from wind turbines may drastically reduce population size and increase the risk of extinction. For example, the hoary bat population could decline by as much as 90% in the next 50 years if the initial population size is near 2.5 million bats and annual population growth rate is similar to rates estimated for other bat species (λ = 1.01). Our results suggest that wind energy development may pose a substantial threat to migratory bats in North America.”
(這份研究報告指出,“每年風力發電設施都會殺死大量的遷徙蝙蝠。 ...使用 expert elicitation and population projection models,顯示風力發電機造成的死亡率,可能會大大減少蝙蝠數量,並增加其滅絕的風險。 例如,如果初始數量規模為將近250萬隻蝙蝠,並且年數量增長率與其他種類蝙蝠的比率相似(λ= 1.01),那麼在未來50年內,hoary bat 種群數量可能下降多達90%。 我們的研究結果表明,風能開發可能對北美的遷徙蝙蝠構成重大威脅。“)
Wind Turbine Blades Last 20 Years…And Then They Are Tossed Into Landfills 風機葉片使用了20年後,被丟到垃圾掩埋場
Besides reducing wildlife populations, perhaps one of the most underrated negative side effects of building wind turbines is that they don’t last very long (less than 20 years) before they need to be replaced. And their blades aren’t recyclable. Consequently, 43 million tonnes (47 million tons) of blade waste will be added to the world’s landfills within the next few decades.
除了減少野生動植物族群外,建造風力發電機可能是最被低估的負面影響之一是它們用不了多久就必需要更換(不到20年)。 他們的葉片是不可回收的。 因此,在未來幾十年內,將有4300萬英噸(4700萬噸)葉片廢棄物被送到世界各地的垃圾掩埋場。
“The blades, one of the most important components in the wind turbines, made with composite, are currently regarded as unrecyclable. With the first wave of early commercial wind turbine installations now approaching their end of life, the problem of blade disposal is just beginning to emerge as a significant factor for the future. … The research indicates that there will be 43 million tonnes of blade waste worldwide by 2050 with China possessing 40% of the waste, Europe 25%, the United States 16% and the rest of the world 19%.”
“葉片是風力發電機中最重要的部件之一,由複合材料製成,目前被認為是不可回收的。 隨著第一波早期商業風力渦輪機安裝現已接近其使用壽命,葉片處理問題剛剛開始成為未來的一個重要因素。 ......研究表明,到2050年全球將有4300萬噸葉片廢棄物,中國擁有40%的廢棄物,歐洲佔25%,美國占16%,世界其他地區佔19%。
“Although wind energy is often claimed to provide clean renewable energy without any emissions during operation (U.S. Department of Energy, 2015), a detailed ecological study may indicate otherwise even for this stage. The manufacture stage is energy-intensive and is associated with a range of chemical usage (Song et al., 2009). Disposal at end-of-life must also be considered (Ortegon et al., 2012; Pickering, 2013; Job, 2014).A typical wind turbine (WT) has a foundation, a tower, a nacelle and three blades. The foundation is made from concrete; the tower is made from steel or concrete; the nacelle is made mainly from steel and copper; the blades are made from composite materials (Vestas, 2006; Tremeac and Meunier, 2009; Guezuraga et al., 2012). Considering these materials only, concrete and composites are the most environmentally problematic at end-of-life, since there are currently no established industrial recycling routes for them (Pimenta and Pinho, 2011; Job, 2013).”
“雖然風能通常被認為可以在運行期間提供清潔的可再生能源而沒有任何排放(美國能源部,2015),但詳細的生態研究可能表明即使在這個階段。 製造階段是能源密集型的,並且與一系列化學品使用相關(Song等,2009)。 還必須考慮在報廢時的處置(Ortegon等,2012; Pickering,2013; Job,2014)。典型的風力渦輪機(WT)具有基礎,塔架,機艙和三個葉片。 基礎由混凝土製成; 塔由鋼或混凝土製成; 機艙主要由鋼和銅製成; 葉片由複合材料製成(Vestas,2006; Tremeac和Meunier,2009; Guezuraga等,2012)。 僅考慮這些材料,混凝土和復合材料在壽命終結時是最環保的問題,因為目前還沒有成熟的工業回收路線(Pimenta和Pinho,2011; Job,2013)。
In a new paper entitled “Unsustainable Wind Turbine Blade Disposal Practices in the United States“, Ramirez-Tejeda et al. (2017) further detail the imminent and unresolved nightmare of wind turbine blade disposal. The environmental consequences and health risks are so adverse that the authors warn that if the public learns of this rapidly burgeoning problem, they may be less inclined to favor wind power expansion. Advocates of wind power are said to be “largely ignoring the issue”. It’s an “issue” that will not be going away any time soon.
在一篇題為“美國不可持續的風力渦輪機葉片處理實踐”的新論文中,Ramirez-Tejeda等人。 (2017)進一步詳細描述了風力渦輪機葉片處理的迫在眉睫和未解決的夢魘。 環境後果和健康風險是如此不利,作者警告說,如果公眾了解到這一迅速發展的問題,他們可能不太傾向於支持風電擴張。 據說風力發電的倡導者“在很大程度上忽視了這個問題”。 這是一個“問題”,不會很快消失。
In light of its minuscule share of worldwide consumption (despite explosive expansion in recent decades), perhaps it is time to at least reconsider both the benefits and the costs of wind energy expansion.
‘Adverse Environmental Consequences’ For A Rapidly Expanding Wind Power Grid 快速擴張風電的“不利環境後果”
“Globally, more than seventy thousand wind turbine blades were deployed in 2012 and there were 433 gigawatts (GW) of wind installed capacity worldwide at the end of 2015. Moreover, the United States’ installed wind power capacity will need to increase from 74 GW to 300 GW3 to achieve its 20% wind production goal by 2030. To meet the increasing demand, not only are more blades being manufactured, but also blades of up to 100 meters long are being designed and produced.”
“在全球範圍內,2012年部署了超過七萬颱風力發電機葉片,截至2015年底全球風力發電裝機容量為433千兆瓦(GW)。此外,美國的風電裝機容量需要從74吉瓦增加 到2030年達到300 GW3,以實現20%的風力發電目標。為了滿足不斷增長的需求,不僅生產更多的葉片,而且還設計和生產長達100米的葉片。“
“The wind turbine blades are designed to have a lifespan of about twenty years, after which they would have to be dismantled due to physical degradation or damage beyond repair. Furthermore, constant development of more efficient blades with higher power generation capacity is resulting in blade replacement well before the twenty-year life span.”
“風力發電機葉片的使用壽命約為20年,之後由於物理退化或無法修復的損壞而必須拆除。 此外,不斷開發具有更高發電能力的更高效葉片,可在二十年的使用壽命之前更換葉片。
“Estimations have suggested that between 330,000 tons/year by 2028 and 418,000 tons/year by 2040 of composite material from blades will need to be disposed worldwide. That would be equivalent to the amount of plastics waste generated by four million people in the United States in 2013. This anticipated increase in blade manufacturing and disposal will likely lead to adverse environmental consequences, as well as potential occupational exposures, especially because available technologies and key economic constraints result in undesirable disposal methods as the only feasible options.”
“據估計,到2028年將達到330,000噸/年,到2040年將有418,000噸/年來自葉片的複合材料需要在全球範圍內進行處置。 這相當於2013年美國400萬人產生的塑料廢物量。刀片製造和處置的預期增加可能會導致不利的環境後果,以及潛在的職業暴露,特別是因為可用的技術和 關鍵的經濟約束導致不良處置方法成為唯一可行的選擇。“
Problems With Landfills 垃圾填埋場的問題
“Despite its negative consequences, landfilling has so far been the most commonly utilized wind turbine blade disposal method. … Landfilling is especially problematic because its high resistance to heat, sunlight, and moisture means that it will take hundreds of years to degrade in a landfill environment. The wood and other organic material present in the blades would also end up in landfills, potentially releasing methane, a potent greenhouse gas, and other volatile organic compounds to the environment.”
“儘管有負面影響,但到目前為止,填埋是最常用的風力渦輪機葉片處理方法。 ...填埋特別成問題,因為它對熱,陽光和濕氣的高耐受性意味著在垃圾填埋場環境中需要數百年的時間才能降解。 葉片中存在的木材和其他有機物質也將最終進入垃圾填埋場,可能釋放出甲烷,強效溫室氣體和其他揮發性有機化合物。“
“The estimated cost to put blade material in landfills, not including pretreatment and transportation costs, is approximately US $60 per ton. [A typical blade may weigh 30-40 tons]. In the United Kingdom, where landfilling organics is not yet prohibited, the active waste disposal cost (which includes plastics) is approximately US $130 per ton.”
“將葉片材料放入垃圾填埋場的估計成本(不包括預處理和運輸成本)約為每噸60美元。 [典型的扇葉可能重達30-40噸]。 在尚未禁止填埋有機物的英國,活性廢物處理成本(包括塑料)約為每噸130美元。“
Problems With Incineration 焚燒問題
“Incineration of blades is another disposal method with potential for energy and/or material recovery. … Combustion of GFRP is especially problematic because it can produce toxic gases, smoke, and soot that can harm the environment and humans. Carbon monoxide and formaldehyde have been reported as residue from thermal degradation of epoxy resin. Another residue is carbon dioxide, which poses concerns regarding greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, about 60% of the scrap remains as pollutant ash after the incineration process, some of which is sent to landfills, potentially contaminating the sites. Possible emission of hazardous flue gasses is also among the issues with incinerating wind turbine blades.”
“葉片的焚燒是另一種具有能量和/或材料回收潛力的處理方法。 ...... GFRP的燃燒特別成問題,因為它會產生有害氣體,煙霧和煙塵,會對環境和人類造成傷害。 據報導,一氧化碳和甲醛是環氧樹脂熱降解產生的殘留物。 另一種殘留物是二氧化碳,這引起了對溫室氣體排放的擔憂。 此外,在焚燒過程之後,約60%的廢料仍然是污染物灰燼,其中一些被送往垃圾填埋場,可能污染場地。 危險煙氣的可能排放也是焚燒風力渦輪機葉片的問題之一。“
“One key issue is that all these thermal processing techniques for wind turbine blades would also require fragmentation of the material into smaller pieces through mechanical processing before being fed into the reactors, increasing energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.”
Problems With Mechanical Processing 機械加工問題
“Mechanical processing is a relatively simpler disposal method that consists of cutting, shredding, and grinding the material to separate the fibers from resins, so it can be repurposed. This process is energy intensive and produces small fiber particles with poor mechanical properties that can only be used as filler reinforcement material in the cement or asphalt industries. … The dust emitted in the grinding process of FRP creates occupational health and safety risks for workers. Inhalation, as well as skin and eye contact can produce moderate irritation to mucous membranes, skin, eyes, and coughing. Occupational exposure and prolonged inhalation of such particles have been found to produce alterations of the cellular and enzymatic components of the deep lung in humans, identified as acute alveolitis.”
“機械加工是一種相對簡單的處理方法,包括切割,切碎和研磨材料以將纖維與樹脂分離,因此可以重新利用。 該過程是能量密集型的並且產生具有差的機械性能的小纖維顆粒,其僅可用作水泥或瀝青工業中的填料增強材料。 ...... FRP研磨過程中產生的粉塵給工人帶來了職業健康和安全風險。 吸入以及皮膚和眼睛接觸會對粘膜,皮膚,眼睛和咳嗽產生中度刺激。 已發現職業性接觸和長時間吸入此類顆粒會導致人類深肺細胞和酶組分的改變,被確定為急性肺泡炎。
Problems With Chemical Degradation化學降解問題
“The last method is chemical degradation, which consists of first mechanically reducing the size of the blades, then degrading them using a chemical solution. … Although no industrial-level chemical recycling of thermoset polymers has been done yet, some hazardous chemicals such as nitric acids and paraformaldehyde have been used in testing and development processes. Occupational exposure to these chemicals can produce harmful respiratory diseases including potential nasal cancer, and dermal health effects.” “最後一種方法是化學降解,其中包括首先機械地減小葉片的尺寸,然後使用化學溶液降解它們。 ......雖然熱固性聚合物尚未進行工業級化學回收,但一些危險化學品如硝酸和多聚甲醛已用於測試和開發過程。 職業接觸這些化學物質會產生有害的呼吸道疾病,包括潛在的鼻癌和皮膚健康影響。“
Advocates Of Wind Power ‘Have Largely Ignored The Issue’風電倡導者'大大忽視了這個問題'
“Few individuals and organizations recognize the problems inherently related to blade recyclability. This situation creates an obstacle for promoting policy interventions to solve these problems. As a result, manufacturers, wind farm operators, and advocates have largely ignored the issue, focusing efforts on promoting wind energy and addressing other issues such as negative impacts on wildlife and noise generation.”
“很少有個人和組織認識到與扇葉可回收性有關的問題。 這種情況為促進解決這些問題的政策干預創造了障礙。 因此,製造商,風電場運營商和倡導者在很大程度上忽視了這個問題,重點是促進風能和解決其他問題,如對野生生物和噪音產生的負面影響。
“If the industry cannot come up with more sustainable manufacturing and disposal processes, public acceptance of wind energy would decline if the public becomes aware of these issues, inhibiting its growth as one of the main sources of electricity generation in the United States.”