Fossil fuel firms accused of renewable lobby takeover to push gas


Fossil fuel companies have taken up majority positions in key renewables trade groups steering them towards a pro-gas stance that influenced Europe’s 2030 clean energy targets, industry insiders claim.



(上圖)From being system-relevant, renewables were suddenly becoming system-dominant. The big companies decided that ‘if you can’t beat them, join them. And if you join them, slow them down so that you can survive in the market’.’ Photograph: Carlos Barria/Reuters 從系統相關性來看,可再生能源突然變得以系統為主導。 大公司決定'如果你不能擊敗他們,加入他們。 如果你加入他們,放慢他們的速度,這樣你就可以在市場中生存。''照片:卡洛斯巴里亞/路透社


Major fossil fuel companies and energy utilities have used their financial power to take control of key renewable energy lobby groups in Europe in an effort to slow the continent’s transition to clean energy, according to industry insiders.


Big energy firms such as Total, Iberdrola, E.On and Enel have together adopted a dominant position in trade bodies such as the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA). Their representatives now constitute a majority on both group’s boards.

Total(法國的石油公司),Iberdrola(西班牙公司, 產品為發電和配電、可再生能源、天然氣、電訊),E.On (這是一家德國公司) 和Enel (這是"非核家園”的義大利的公司)等大型能源公司共同在歐洲風能協會(EWEA)和歐洲光伏產業協會(EPIA)等貿易機構中佔據主導地位。 他們的代表現在在兩個集團董事會中佔多數。

Officials in EPIA were told to argue for a renewable-gas alliance as the answer to Europe’s energy security concerns, while EWEA lowered its 2030 clean energy ambitions by a third, according to ex-staffers, renewables experts and policy insiders. They argue that the more pro-gas stance influenced the 2030 climate targets adopted by EU governments last year.

據一些前任人員、可再生能源專家們和內部決策人士透露,EPIA的官員被告知爭取可再生氣體聯盟作為解決歐洲能源安全問題的答案,而EWEA將其2030年的清潔能源目標降低了三分之一。 他們認為,更加天然氣的立場影響了去年(2014)歐盟各國政府採取的2030年氣候目標。

“One of the advantages the fossils still have over renewables is capital and that is why they say that the perfect match is between renewables and gas,” the Green MEP Bas Eickhout told the Guardian. “The strategy is familiar. It ends with a fossil fuel takeover.”

“化石仍然優於可再生資源的優勢之一就是資本,這就是為什麼他們說可再生能源和天然氣之間是完美匹配,”Green MEP Bas Eickhout告訴衛報。 “這個策略很熟悉。 它以化石燃料的收購而告終。“

With emissions roughly half that of coal, natural gas is often seen as a bridge to a low-carbon future. In the period to 2030, it could provide a flexible back-up for renewables, on windless or cloudy days.

由於排放量約為煤炭的一半(根據IPCC 資料是60%,天然氣490gCO2eq/kWh,煤炭820gCO2eq/kWh),天然氣通常被視為通向低碳未來的橋樑。到2030年期間,它可以在無風或陰天的時候為可再生能源提供靈活有彈性的備用能源。

“In the short to medium-term, gas and renewables together are an essential part of Europe’s energy make-up to guarantee security of supply,” Oliver Joy a EWEA spokesman said. “From a systemic point of view, gas and wind actually complement each other quite well.”

“在短期到中期內,天然氣和可再生能源是歐洲能源組成的重要組成部分,以保證供應安全,”EWEA發言人Oliver Joy說。 “從系統的角度來看,天然氣和風實際上相互補充配合得很好。”

But scientists argue that a large majority of fossil fuels, including gas, will need to remain in the ground if we are to avoid dangerous climate change. “This is a clear choice that needs to be made. Putting gas at the same level as renewables risks displacing investments from renewables into gas, thereby locking in carbon emissions over a long period of time,” Wendel Trio, the director of Climate Action Network Europe.

但科學家認為,如果我們要避免危險的氣候變化,絕大多數化石燃料,包括天然氣,都需要留在地下。 “這是一個需要做出的明確選擇。 將天然氣置於與可再生能源相同的水平,可能會將可再生能源的投資轉移到天然氣中,從而在很長一段時間內碳排放無法降低,“氣候行動網路歐洲主管 Wendel Trio說。


(上圖)Visitors examine a map of the Russian oil refining factories and oil pumping stations, during the 21st World Petroleum Congress (WPC) in Moscow, Russia, 16 June 2014. Photograph: Sergei Ilnitsky/EPA


In 2009, energy utilities and fossil fuels firms had been blindsided by the EU’s announcement of renewable energy targets for 2020. “Suddenly, it was a reality and their market shares were diminishing dramatically,” said one source in the renewable industry. “From being system-relevant, renewables were suddenly becoming system-dominant. The big companies decided that ‘if you can’t beat them, join them. And if you join them, slow them down so that you can survive in the market’.”

2009年,能源公用事業和化石燃料公司被歐盟所宣布的2020年可再生能源目標傻了眼。“突然之間,這是一個現實,他們的市場比例急劇下降,”可再生能源行業的一位消息人士表示。 “從系統相關性來看,可再生能源突然變得以系統為主導。 大公司決定,'如果你不能擊敗他們,那就加入他們。 如果你加入他們,放慢他們的速度(阻礙他們進行),這樣你就可以在市場中生存’。“

Perhaps the most striking result of the alleged fossil fuel takeover was its apparent influence of the renewable trade groups’ position on EU climate goals agreed by governments in 2014. EWEA had previously supported calls for a 45% renewables share in Europe’s energy mix by 2030 but as the issue came to a head last year, representatives of all the major corporates on its board – apart from Alstom – opposed a higher target than 30%, with Iberdrola, Enel and other utilities wanting no target at all.

所謂的化石燃料收購最引人注目的結果,可能是其可再生貿易集團對 2014年政府同意的歐盟氣候目標 的明顯影響EWEA此前曾支持要求到2030年歐洲能源結構中,45% 為可再生能源,但直到去年,除了阿爾斯通Alstom之外,所有主要公司團體的代表都反對比30%還要高的目標,而Iberdrola,Enel和其他公用事業公司希望根本不要有任何目標。

“The secretariat were under quite a bit of pressure to not be too ambitious and be what they called ‘realistic’,” one source with knowledge of the debate told the Guardian.


EWEA compromised with a pitch for a binding 30% goal – followed rapidly by EPIA. A 27% target was eventually agreed by EU leaders, that countries could ignore.

EWEA與具有約束力的30%的目標間距妥協 - 緊隨其後的是EPIA。 歐盟領導人最終同意了27%的目標,而各國可以忽視這一目標

EWEA loyalists maintain that they had little realistic choice once the positions of countries such as the UK and Poland became clear, and say that the 30% goal was a “logical progression” from the 2020 goals. But environmentalists believe that as a low opening gambit, it created a fait accompli by not pushing the politicians to be more ambitious.

EWEA的支持者堅持認為,一旦英國和波蘭等國家的立場變得清晰,他們幾乎沒有現實的選擇,並表示30%的目標是從2020年目標開始的“合乎邏輯的進展”。 但環保主義者認為,作為一個低標準的開始局面,它以不促使政治家更加有野心,來造成既成事實。

“The renewable energy associations were not effective,” a commission source said. “The big utilities won that battle and steered it their way.”

“可再生能源協會沒有效率,”委員會消息人士說。 “大型公用事業公司贏得了這場戰鬥,並以自己的方式操控。”

Energy utilities and fossil fuel firms began moving into the renewable associations in 2010 as part of an intensifying effort to influence policy lobbying in Brussels, according to Brussels insiders.

In March 2011, the French oil and gas company, Total, bought a controlling share in the solar manufacturer, SunPower. That company’s marketing director, Oliver Schaefer, was elected as EPIA’s president two years later, while another Total executive, Arnaud Chaperon, became EPIA’s vice president.

2011年3月,法國石油和天然氣公司道達爾(Total)收購了太陽能製造商SunPower的控股股份。 兩年後,該公司的營銷總監Oliver Schaefer被選為EPIA總裁,另一位Total執行官Arnaud Chaperon成為EPIA的副總裁。

In all, five of EPIA’s eight board members now represent big energy and chemical concerns, such as Enel, Dupont, and Wacker Chemie.

總而言之,EPIA的八個董事會成員中有五個現在是大型的能源和化學相關公司的代表,例如Enel,Dupont和Wacker Chemie。

At the same time, the complexion of the organisations was changing. “Most [policy officers] were made redundant or left because they no longer fitted in. These were associations where people used to work for beliefs and with their hearts but now it’s all about big noise and big money,” said one source.

與此同時,組織的面貌正在發生變化。 “大多數[政策官員]被裁員或被遺棄,因為他們不再適任。這些是人們過去常常為信仰和熱忱工作的協會,但現在一切都是關於巨大紛擾和大筆資金,”一位消息人士說。

As security of supply concerns rose across Europe last year in response to the Ukraine crisis, Schaefer instructed EPIA officials to advocate gas as part of the energy security solution.


“It is true that EPIA has not been very outspoken on this topic,” one informed source said. “Oliver Schaefer put forward the line that the solar and wind sectors should see gas as a partner – a flexible technology that can serve as backup – for sure, he also wanted the association to say this.”

一位知情人士說:“EPIA確實沒有在這個話題上坦白。” “Oliver Schaefer提出了太陽能和風能部門應該將天然氣視為合作夥伴的路線 - 一種可以作為備用的靈活技術 - 當然,他也希望協會能夠這樣說。”

EPIA’s CEO James Watson, denied that any staff members had been told to advocate a partnership with gas on energy security. “EPIA believes that we need flexibility in the EU energy system and gas is a technology that can provide this,” he said.

EPIA的首席執行長James Watson否認曾任何工作人員被告知在能源安全方面倡導與天然氣合作。 “EPIA認為,我們需要歐盟能源系統的靈活性,天然氣是一種可以提供這種技術的技術,”他說。

Schaefer is politically and personally close to Thomas Becker, EWEA’s CEO since 2012, who former employees describe as dazzled by major corporate players.

Schaefer在政治上和個人上都接近自2012年以來EWEA就擔任首席執行長的 Thomas Becker,前僱員稱其為被主要企業參與者所迷惑。

“I think Becker brokered a deal with EWEA’s ‘lead sponsors’ – the major corporates – that fund it much more than the national wind associations,” an ex-staffer said. “They’ve become a lot more influential and that has an advantage in creating resources and the capacity to lobby. But, politically, there’s a price to pay for that.”

“我認為Becker 撮合與歐洲風能協會EWEA的”領導發起者“的交易 - 這個主要團體提供的資金比全國風能協會得多了,”一名前工作人員說。 “他們變得更有影響力,並且在創造資源和遊說能力方面具有優勢。 但是,在政治上,要為此付出代價。“

EWEA’s board structure, always finely balanced, tilted decisively in favour of big energy firms in recent years, he said. Fifteen firms such as Alstom and EDF now have seats on EWEA’s board, compared to just three national associations. In 2012, there had been 19 national associations on the board.

他說,EWEA的董事會結構總是巧妙精細地平衡,近年來決定性地傾向於大型能源公司。 阿爾斯通Alstom和法國電力公司EDF等15家公司現在在EWEA董事會中擁有席位,而僅有三家國家協會。 2012年,董事會共有19個國家協會。

Becker himself told an EU conference last November that “renewables and wind cannot do it [the clean energy transition] alone. That’s an illusion, obviously. We need an energy mix much more broad. I, of course, see gas as something very interesting, combined with renewables.”

Becker自己在去年11月的一次歐盟會議上說,“可再生能源和風能不能單獨進行清潔能源轉型。 那顯然是一種錯覺。 我們需要更廣泛的能源組合。 當然,我認為天然氣是非常有趣的,加上可再生能源。“





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